2024 California Workplace Violence Prevention Updates

2024 California Workplace Violence Prevention Updates

California continues to update its state mandates regarding occupational health and safety, including implementing new workplace violence prevention standards. As of September 30, 2023, San Diego businesses and other businesses across the state must create and integrate a staff-wide plan to advocate for workplace violence prevention. According to the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), companies must comply with this new regulation by July 1, 2024.

Let Kasai Consulting and our team help you stay up-to-date on all workplace compliance in San Diego and help you better understand this change in law. Read more down below and contact us directly to get started!


Designating Responsible Personnel

This new mandate, introduced in Senate Bill 553, applies to nearly all California employers (namely those outside the healthcare industry). These employers are required to assign the creation of this Workplace Violence Prevention Plan to specific employees in a certain department. This crucial step ensures accountability is clearly established within the organization.


Promoting Employee Involvement

Active employee participation is key to the success of workplace violence prevention in San Diego. This Cal/OSHA regulation states that employers must implement procedures to involve employees and authorized representatives in the development and execution of the plan.


Maintaining Communication & Response

Creating effective communication channels for reporting workplace violence incidents is also covered under this new Cal/OSHA requirement. Employers must establish clear protocols for responding to reports of violence and prohibiting retaliation against employees who raise concerns. Companies must also regularly inform employees of any workplace violence prevention matters and quickly respond to related incidents.


Ongoing Training & Record-Keeping

In addition to reducing workplace hazards, this new mandate for workplace compliance in San Diego requires the development of employee training programs. Written records of a company’s workplace violence hazard identification, evaluation, and correction practices must be kept for a minimum of five years; training records must be kept for a minimum of one year.

Be Prepared With EHS Services in San Diego

With a wealth of knowledge in occupational health and safety, Kasai Consulting provides businesses with the necessary tools and insights to ensure a safe and secure work environment. Get the help you need to adhere to these new regulations with our EHS (environmental health and safety) services. Contact us to foster a culture of safety!

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